A fey abomination
Hello. I'm Chala, and you have found the worst crossroads, where all paths lead to me. But I paint things, so maybe it's not all bad.I've been attempting to make pretty pictures for a little over two decades at this point, though I have aphantasia, which makes it trickier! My favourite things to draw are plants, tieflings, fae, pretty ladies, and fellow androgynous sorts.I normally go by either 'Darchala' or 'Xaotician'.
(It's a hard 'ch' and the x is pronounced like a k, if it helps.)
Where is the art?
You can find it in several places:I presently keep an artblog on Pillowfort.I have a Tumblr which has most of my work from 2012-2018. I do not use it at present.I have a Twitter but the account is currently private as I do not currently use the birdsite.I am on Inkblot as Xaotician, and as sourgrove.I no longer use DeviantArt.
Get an art, feed a fey abomination
How can you encourage my nonsense? Like so:If you're interested in CLIP Studio brushes or would like to drop a little something in the tip jar, I have a wee shop on Ko-fi with both paid and free/pwyw resources.I am not presently taking public commissions.